Connected Pro application for OpenAuto Pro and Android phones


The Connected Pro application facilitates pairing your Android phone with the OpenAuto Pro system through a Bluetooth connection. Once paired, the system gains several functionalities aimed at enhancing user experience and convenience. These include:

  • Reading and Displaying Phone Notifications: OpenAuto Pro can access and show notifications from your phone, allowing you to keep up with important alerts without needing to handle your phone directly.
  • Automatic Time Synchronization with RPI: The system can automatically align its internal clock with that of the paired phone, ensuring that time-related functions are always accurate.
  • Bluetooth Internet Tethering Activation: It can automatically enable internet tethering from your phone, providing the Raspberry Pi with an internet connection through Bluetooth. This feature facilitates access to online services without requiring a separate Wi-Fi or mobile hotspot connection.
  • Music Player Auto-Startup: Connected Pro allows for setting a preferred music player to automatically start upon system boot, reducing the need for manual selection and enabling immediate playback.

These functionalities are aimed at improving the interaction between the Android smartphone and the OpenAuto Pro system, making for a more integrated and user-friendly experience.

Package contains

APK file for Android Phones


YouTube video

What APK is? here

How to install APK? here

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End-user License Agreement

By purchasing, downloading or using the Splash screens package, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not purchase, download or use the Splash screens package.

  • License

BlueWave Studio grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to download, install and use the Splash screens package solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Restrictions

You agree not to, and you will not permit others to license, sell, rent, lease, assign, distribute, transmit, host, outsource, disclose or otherwise commercially exploit the Splash screens package or make the Splash screens package available to any third party.