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Bluetooth pairing troubles - Printable Version

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Bluetooth pairing troubles - KreAch3R - 08-31-2021


I've had my elm327 bluetooth adapter working for a while now, and just yesterday I noticed that it stopped working. Looking at the official documentation, I discovered that the adapter wasn't paired to my rpi somehow, so I went and tried to re-pair it, but to no avail. Whatever combination of powering it up, ignition and trying to pair responded with a "failure to pair, timeout reached". While the adapter was perfectly pairing and connecting to my phone each time I tried. 

I tried blueman, it didn't work either. 

I managed to fix it by using the command: "sudo bluetoothctl" and a combination of these commands (I'm not sure what exactly is needed, since I won't dare to unpair and try again):
pairable on
power on
trust + mac address
pair + mac address
connect + mac address

When I did this, it was suddenly connected to it, in the command line. Then I had to issue the pair and connect command once again I think, and then the device could be seen in the rpi bluetooth gui applet!

After that, OAP did its job and correctly connected to it again.

I thought I should post it for anyone else that'll have this problem.